As Halloween approaches, many of us enjoy the spooky decorations, haunted houses, and eerie tales. But did you know there could be something much scarier lurking in your home? No, not actual ghosts and ghouls—but your air ducts might be hiding something just as unsettling! Dust, debris, and other contaminants can build up over time, causing a variety of issues for your HVAC system. This Halloween season, it’s time to address those haunted air ducts and ensure they’re ready to keep your home warm and efficient as the colder months approach.
Dewees HVAC Blog: Archive for the ‘Indoor Air Quality’ Category
Are Ghosts and Ghouls in Your Air Ducts This Season?
Monday, October 21st, 2024The Best Ways to Tell You Need Duct Sealing
Monday, January 16th, 2023Leaky ducts are a problem that often lies hidden in a home for a long time. People don’t have easy access to their ductwork, so they tend to assume that all is well with it.
But leaky ducts are a common trouble for HVAC systems and they lead to massive energy loss, uneven heating and cooling, humidity fluctuations, and even indoor air quality contamination.
We’re here to give you the knowledge necessary to detect whether or not you have leaky ductwork. Then you can call our experts for duct sealing in Jacksonville, AR that will restore your ducts to their original airtight condition and ensure your HVAC system always works for you, not against you.
Why Might I Need a Whole-House Humidifier?
Monday, September 12th, 2022
High humidity is a problem that most people don’t need explained to them. Even if they don’t know why high humidity on a hot day makes the hot day feel much worse, they know exactly what the sensation is like. With too much moisture in the air (relative humidity higher than 60%), the human body cannot release heat as effectively and the trapped heat causes temperatures to feel hotter than they are.
But what about low humidity? You’ve heard the phrase “a dry heat” as a positive, but dryness itself is not positive and is as much trouble as high humidity. Dry conditions often occur during the winter, and your house might benefit from a whole-house humidifier to provide the balance necessary for comfort and health.
Right Now Is a Good Time to Test Your Ducts
Monday, February 28th, 2022
As we move into March, we’ll get into a time of year when the weather hovers between too cold and too warm, which for many people is the best time of the year. (Well, if you have pollen allergies it might not be.) This is the best weather for making changes to your home’s HVAC system because you won’t have to rely as much on either the air conditioner or the heater.
Soon you’ll schedule your AC maintenance to prepare for the summer heat, but for right now we have a good suggestion for a useful service—call us to schedule duct testing in Little Rock, AR.
Can an Air Purifier Really Improve My Home’s Air Quality?
Monday, October 4th, 2021
The short answer is yes. The long answer is that it isn’t as automatic as that. There are many different types of air purifiers, and to find the best air purifier in North Little Rock, AR to improve the indoor air quality in your home takes a bit more than pulling down a portable air purifier from a store rack and then plugging it in.
If you want to enjoy the best benefits of an air purifier, you’ll need to have professionals install a whole-house air purification system. This type of air purifier is integrated into your HVAC system and cleans the air all throughout your home.
Finding the Right Air Filter and Air Purifier Pairing
Monday, April 19th, 2021
In our last post, we wrote about how you can use an ERV or HRV to bring fresh air into your house without also bringing in the heat or cold. This can help remove stale and stuffy air from your home, but today we want to talk about what you can do about those pollutants that are still trapped indoors, circulating through the HVAC system.
The most useful approach to cleaning the air in a house is to use air filters and air purifiers, often a combination of them. Air filters are a starting point, and from there a home may need a specific type of air purifier to help the filters provide the best air cleaning.
Bring Fresh Air Into Your Home Without the Outside Temperatures
Monday, April 5th, 2021
If you’re reading the headline and thinking that it doesn’t sound possible, we can assure you that there is a way to get around the problem of allowing fresh air from the outside to enter your home, sweep out the stale air, and not end up bringing in either the heat or the cold. It’s not magic—in fact, the technology works on a simple premise where you use the air inside your home to heat or cool the fresh air you bring into it.
And the way it works is through devices called energy recovery ventilators and heat recovery ventilators. If you’re looking for a way to enjoy fresher indoor air without also breaking the bank on AC or heating costs, this might be the installation you’re looking for.
How Duct Leaks Can Worsen Your Winter
Monday, January 25th, 2021
How often do you think about the ductwork in your home? Unless you actually work in the HVAC industry or home construction, the answer is probably not that much. After all, residential ductwork is designed to hide out of sight in walls and up in the attic, and when you can’t see it you don’t think much about it.
But bad ductwork can turn into a problem for your household, and this winter you may find yourself facing leaking ducts that will make the season less enjoyable for several reasons.
iWave Technology Helps Fight Coronavirus in Homes!
Thursday, October 22nd, 2020
We’re concerned about the health of your family, which is why we install the finest indoor air quality products to remove harmful contaminants.
Right now, the biggest IAQ concern families have is about the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19). We are thrilled to announce that the iWave family of products we install has been proven through independent lab testing to significantly reduce a wide range of many pathogens in the air and on surfaces, including the novel coronavirus. Tests using proprietary NPBI™ technology shows that iWave systems reduce SARS-CoV-2 by 99.4% after 30 minutes in the chamber.
We provide several different IAQ installations to make your home healthier. Speak to us today to find out more details about the iWave as well as the other products we offer.
Dewees HVAC proudly serves the Conway Area. Call to find out more about our indoor air quality improvements for homes.